5 Best/Worst Breakfasts for Diabetics – 2022 (Diabetic Diet)

Some breakfast foods recommended to Diabetics with make blood sugar shoot sky high! This is not good, and will lead to a worsening of chronic inflammation and disease. There are many good breakfast choices for diabetics, but many «experts» recommend against them for inappropriate reasons.

This quick list of 5 best and 5 worst breakfasts for diabetics is a great beginning. From here you can learn more about what to eat and what to avoid as a diabetic. You also need the great info on the DIABETES 101 Playlist➡ http://bit.ly/DIABETES101 The more real knowledge you gain, the better your diabetes will become.

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🍶 All KETO/Low-Carb things we LOVE⏩ https://www.amazon.com/shop/neishalovesit


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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of clinical practice.
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Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional.

20 comentarios

  1. Aki K

    Thank you for all that you share!
    Amazing! Health & Happiness to you Dr Berry❤️🤗🇦🇺

  2. Amos Bradt

    I was sent to you via referral, and as a type 1 diabetic, I found I couldn't get past you're condescending attitude. I need help not a video that makes me feel like my grade 2 teacher is talking to me.

  3. David Paton

    Thanks! Sharing with a friend with type 2. Rally appreciate all your good videos!

  4. Shiprahyah Israel

    What about ppl with both diabetes and hypertension.

  5. Ida Saenz

    I'm not a diabetic my A1C is 5.1 I don't eat rice potato bananas pasta
    My cereal serving size is 1 cup Wheat Bran unsweetened almond milk. I use organic Stevia. I only have 1 slice of Sara Lee keto bread with low sugar jelly. I eat meatloaf greens lots of fibre grilled chicken 1 egg sardines tuna. I weigh 120 and 70 years old. I forgot to mention lots of water I do drink coffee sugar free creamer and diet coke

  6. Candece

    Once you get off carbs and eat more fat the growling of your stomach stops! I experimented with a piece of toast or donut here and there. Each time I ate something carb heavy 2 hours later my stomach was growling. If I eat eggs 🍳 bacon 🥓 and 🍖 beef, no problem. AND….. at that point I have no problem with doing a 24 hour fast, it's easy.

  7. A M

    I've had glucose tested before, a few times actually, each time I'm " fine". But if I eat cereal or banana or most breads I end up having to go lay down. I feel shaky and really crap. I'm doing BB though and only have 45grms of fat a day to play with. Fine with root veggies.. 🤷‍♀️

  8. Marsha Barnes

    Thank you for this! It is damn hard to figure out what is actually good to eat as a diabetic!

  9. Lak Singh

    Bacon is fine?; what about nitrates? I think all that protein has impaired your synaptic interactions.

    You make a banana sound more deadly than a cigarette!

    Why is that cultures whose staple diet is carbohydrate rich – i.e. Far East Asia and Southern Europe – have some of the highest life expectancy/quality of life in the world?

  10. Mary Linda

    Thank you once again Dr Igudia for I'm completely free from type 2 diabetes, all my life I will keep thanking you for the great help and for your herbal medication which actually works. thank you doc

  11. Lai mun Lee

    Diet has to be balance. Totally no carbodrates will ruin ones health in a long run

  12. WMR Photography

    I lost faith in diabetic drs when I was in the hospital. My Dr would come in and yell at me about my levels and claiming I was eating outside food. I told her the only thing I was eating was the meals they gave me, which consisted of bread, fruit salad and other starchy stuff. She actually told me that starches don't raise the blood sugar. From then on, I dealt with her PA, who told me to lose weight and I would be able to control my glucose level.

  13. Bubble0seven

    so basically i wont die of a diabetic coma but a dead set heart attack if i eat steak , bacon and eggs for breakfast and dinner lol …..What if you also have stage 4 liver disease / cirrhotic liver like i do…

  14. Paul Clarke

    Are you sure about porridge /oatmeal? many places say it is vey good for T2D

  15. Kafi Zola

    So no oatmeal, no bananas. Just read on another website these were okay. So much confusing information out here.

  16. cesalt

    But oatmeal is good for my cholesterol, so I’m confused now.

  17. Aaron W

    Mmm. I’m type 2 and I eat oatmeal with blueberries daily and I’ve never experienced any spikes.

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