Why Insulin Is So Expensive | So Expensive

Why Insulin Is So Expensive | So Expensive

Why Insulin Is So Expensive | So Expensive

Insulin prices have tripled in the last 15 years. Three manufacturers produce insulin for the United States drug market and their prices don’t seem to show signs of decreasing any time soon. Why is insulin so expensive?

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#Insulin #Drug #BusinessInsider

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Why Insulin Is So Expensive | So Expensive
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20 comentarios

  1. Henry Salminen

    This is bad and misleading because it doesn’t show the obvious solution and what almost all other countries handle healthcare and medicine. It’s not expensive in France, Sweden, Germany etc because single payer healthcare in one way or another. USA does not have it. I feel bad for the people living in the US, as their government does not work for them but instead for billionaires and large companies. The corruption is legal, it’s called lobbying.

  2. bernard simsic

    it should be why is it only expensive to the user of insulin??

  3. Qoslaye Channel

    Last I went to istanbul turkey and I forget my insulin realized when I bordered the plane ✈️ when I landed istanbul went straight to pharmacy bought one box basaglar for only $30 when it coast me in the USA for &357 dollars
    It’s rib off here in the states

  4. Salih Özdemir

    Why? Because the producers need to get rich right?

  5. Dean Kirk

    Do you know Society really has a problem when legal law abiding citizens have to break the law just to survive

  6. Dean Kirk

    Having patents on medical interventions prevents advancements in medical industry because you literally prevent people from researching and developing new drugs based around drug like people are literally not allowed to develop a cheaper more effective version of insulin because of the patent

  7. Dean Kirk

    Drug manufacturers should not be able to dictate the price of the trucks because I get some of the ability to make them as expensive as they want

  8. Dean Kirk

    I learned from the YouTuber Dr. Mike sometimes an insurance company will cover a medication but won’t cover a specific form of it like the only covered the tablet but not the pill even though they’re the exact same medication in the exact same dose so if you have to get a medication that’s not covered by your insurance why is that your fault and why do you get punished

  9. Dean Kirk

    Didn’t feed inventors who patent insulin made one of the rules that no private company can own it like didn’t they make the patent specifically for the people that know one individual can get rich off of this life-saving medicine

  10. Dean Kirk

    Diabetes is still a death sentence because big companies are holding onto all the insulin and preventing it to be given to people because if you can’t afford to pay for your insulin you die

  11. Dean Kirk

    Insulin should be free considering that the US government basically pushes a diabetic lifestyle on everybody and then blames everyone for getting diabetes even though the government is the one that pushed the food pyramid that had people have high carb intakes and now a lot of people have diabetes And insulin cost an arm and a leg but it should be free because it’s a medical disorder I don’t understand why America is so willing to give tax dodges to the rich but don’t even want to help out people who just want to live their lives like you should not have to pay for insulin that’s like telling people to pay for air they breathe because they need it to survive and you’re telling them if they don’t pay they die that is a big dystopian thing like they’re literally telling the citizens if they can’t afford an expensive artificially price inflated drug they deserve to die even though just 20 years ago it was affordable now it’s not

  12. Richard Downey

    Thanks to the ACA my insurance went up to 900 dollars a month, I need insurance since I'm diabetic. so basically its very hard to pay for everything if you make too much to be on welfare, but not enough to comfortably afford the insurance premiums and deductibles.

  13. Kira1Lawliet

    Because greed.
    There, I saved you 8 minutes and 18 seconds of your life.

  14. Jenny

    I get cure from type 2 diabetes with the help of dr harry herbs medicine I find on YouTube, Visit him on his YouTube channel DR harry herbs He's helpful.

  15. VulpesArgentum

    Okay so how did this happen to a virtually patent free biosimilar drug?

  16. GreyWarden

    It's life saving medicine – why the f-ck isn't it free/extremely cheap? You wouldn't not perform CPR on someone just because they couldn't pay you (if you did that, you are the problem 🙂 )


    thanks to DR harry herbs on YouTube for helping me get rid of diabetes with his herbs medicine, thank so much Dr Harry Herbs on YouTube.,

  18. o_o Figures


    8 minute long video summed up in one word.

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