CNN: Diabetes type-2 can be reversed

John Lisk reports on how some diabetics can turn their illness around.
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3 comentarios

  1. Omedchazak613

    I also had a wake-up call when I was told I’m diabetic, I’m also eating low carb, no sugar, and daily exercise. I WILL reverse my diabetes

  2. Nightbird

    I also lowered my blood sugar by going low carb, walking an hour daily, & taking supplements like Fenugreek, Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Prickly Pear Cactus, Alpha Lipoic, Benfotiamine, and an Ayurvedic Blood Sugar formula. However, this is a BITCH to maintain, and I cheat on the weekends to keep from going crazy. There are only so many ways to eat meat, and living without sugar is hell. Don't know how long I can keep this up, life really sucks without rice, pasta, bread, desserts, & soda.

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