Does Bovine Insulin in Milk Trigger Type 1 Diabetes?

Does Bovine Insulin in Milk Trigger Type 1 Diabetes?

Does Bovine Insulin in Milk Trigger Type 1 Diabetes?

Is it the casein or the cow insulin that explains the link between milk consumption and the development of type I diabetes?

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If you missed the prequel to this video, check out Does Casein in Milk Exposure Trigger Type 1 Diabetes? (

More on the concerns with cow’s milk exposure in infancy and childhood in:
• Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk (
• Formula for Childhood Obesity (
• Cow’s Milk Casomorphin and Crib Death (
• Cow’s Milk Casomorphin and Autism (

So what’s The Best Baby Formula? ( Breast milk!

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credits: Jean-Alein via pixabay. Images have been modified.
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20 comentarios

  1. Mister X

    There is another video that says A2 casein also breaks down into casomorphin (in humans). 🤔

  2. Abdifatah Aden

    The casein causes intestinal permeability. The other bovine proteins and insulin cause the autoimmunity through biomimicry. If there is no intestinal permeability there is no biomimicry because the normal absorption of substances through the intestinal walls requires a transporter. It's not just about removing casein as well since other substances in our diets like gluten cause intestinal permeability. Therefore anyone drinking substances that have the potential to mimic existing aspects of the body and cause autoimmunity through biomimicry need to make sure they aren't also including substances that cause intestinal permeability.

  3. Ameen Sh

    Hey everyone, someone I know has type 1 diabetes.. I need help on how to cure it. She is not vegan by the way but she is willing to go vegan if it helps cure it. Any information and/or doctors you can link me or refer me to would be amazing. Thank you very much

  4. 5ko

    Please Dr. Greger reply to my question:
    My nephew is 15 and has type.1 diabetes. My question is… theoretically if he stops consuming milk protein for ever. the autoimmune reaction which kills beta cells will never occur again? since he is only 15 he can still grow some beta cells and theoretically not inject any insulin in the future?

  5. the brink

    Did another study come out or did you find one that showed how to reverse Type 1 Diabetes?

  6. Rob K

    In 2008, the NEJM reported that they know the 4 components (w/possible 5th) that cause Type 1 Diabetes in infants. They describe the following as the "perfect storm".
    1) genetic predisposition
    2) intestinal permeability most likely passed on by mothers with gluten (gliadin) intolerance or celiac spru.
    3) bovine protein from the introduction of milk. (the bovine engages the immune system, collateral damage occurs because of molecular mimicry (the immune system mistakes your beta cells for the targeted bovine.
    (auto-immune 101) (they did not call out Similac but it is a milk substitute that is made with both gluten and milk.
    4) Chromium/Vanadium deficiencies
    5) MMR vaccine is linked to the onset of type 1 diabetes (see multiple studies in NEJM and
    I slipped into a 10 day diabetic comma 4 days after my first MMR vaccine at age 13 months. I had the genetic predisposition, my mother had Celiac Spru while pregnant with me and I was only given Similac.
    That is what led me to do 5 years of research on the cause and how to reverse it by addressing and eliminating the cause. I had the perfect storm and only 1 day after that first MMR vaccine I stopped walking and talking (signs of a major vaccine injury) On the 4th day after the MMR is when my mother found me unresponsive. You piece it together for your self. There is a big reason that these studies never hit the alphabet news, it would impact three major multi-hundred-billion dollar industries: grain, milk and big Pharma. We will never hear about this in the good old USA because the FDA will not allow this information to get out.

  7. Paul Coker

    Interesting – When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1977 human insulin was not yet available and the first insulin they gave me was…. …bovine insulin, at each injection site I came out in huge hives and the insulin was not absorbed. When they switched me to porcine (pig) insulin the hives stopped.

    I am not suggesting this proves the hypothesis just making an observation that bovine insulin was certainly triggering an immune response in me.

    As a side note I was and remain highly intolerant to dairy products.

  8. Ishtiaq Ahmed

    Dr. Greger, Looks like you lost your hair cause some one worried you.
    Was that a COW or was she a GOAT.
    Did she took you to court for Child support. And now you make videos to pay back.

  9. Ishtiaq Ahmed

    Dr. Greger, Are you a FAKE Doctor?

    You should be Ashamed that you fear monger the common public about everyday foods. Did your mom not feed you the Cows milk. Do you get paid to do this kind of dirty work.

    Don't you have a better thing to do.
    Go wash the damn dishes if you don't have any thing better to do.

  10. Garland N

    The Jersey and Guernsey dairy cows produce the highest amount of A2 casein milk then all other breeds. Some Italian breeds of dairy cows are also very high. The bovine insulin is a good idea to study. Thank you Dr Greger for discussing this subject.

  11. FiftyOneNorth

    Seriously, why is anybody drinking milk in 2016?!

  12. Gousti Fruit

    But if it's insulin, it doesn't explain the Icelandic paradox ! Unless their cows don't produce cow's insulin ?

  13. Namir AlKilabi

    where were these information when I was in med school!!!!!

  14. Verde

    I love your videos and your wisdom Dr.Greger, but I honestly think that popping up on them makes it less likely for the video to be credible? It's just that from that point on it looks like it's more a video of your personal opinion instead of a research based share of information.

  15. Hizner

    I HATE your superimposed face popups SO MUCH! Stop it, they're stupid and downgrade the quality of your videos.

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