All about LADA – Diabetes Type 1.5

Latent AutoImmune Diabetes in Adults, also known as LADA and Diabetes 1.5, is considered a «rare» form of diabetes that is a lot more common than you might think. It’s features cause it to appear as a blend between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, which often results in misdiagnosis. In this video, I cover the characteristics of LADA, how it’s identified, and how it’s treated.

20 comentarios

  1. Casa Duro - Tiny Home

    I was diagnosed at 29 with type 2 for literally 1 day. I didn't even take my metformin before I called an ambulance, was hospitalized with DKA and got diagnosed with type 1. I've been taking insulin ever since. I learned on my own online about LADA or type 1.5. I asked my endo about it, and she said because 1.5 isn't officially recognized by insurance providers, they don't even talk about it with their patience because it's "semantics".

  2. Mohab Rizk

    I'm officially diagnosed with LADA 5 days ago and i need to know more about it and how to deal with it. And ofc what to expect moving forward.

  3. Anne BE

    Words failed me on how to appreciate you for sending your Herbs to me after I place my or order which cured my type 2 diabetes Dr Igudia.

  4. Fenna Daan

    Beloved Brother and Sisters, I can't forget the day I discovered Dr. Kanayo Peterson's YouTube channel. Thank you, doctor, for helping me eradicate HIV and Aids with your herbal medicine in just two weeks. I have regained

    my hope of living again because of your help.

  5. Esteban Velasco

    Hello. I just reveived the following results from a test to understand if I have any Diabetes predisposition or risk:
    – Fasting Glucose: 90 mg/dL
    – A1c 5,44%
    – Insuline 3,07 uUI/ml
    – C Telopeptide 0,829 ng/ml
    – Glucose Pre/Post Pandrial Pre:89 Post 72

    What does C Telopeptide result means? Do you think I have any risk of LADA? I am doing all these tests because in January I got a 105mg/dL fasting glucose result.

  6. John Henry

    To me this equals a substantial amount of endocrinologists need to apologize and recompense the many patients they have caused more damage to than helped. What kind of quackery is going on? Oh yeah…that’s right….the $$$$$$’s per patient!!!

  7. Tommy VanDeusen

    Stop treating type two diabetes with insulin and other drugs. Reverse type two diabetes with a very low carbohydrate diet. See for example Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube.

  8. peter longo

    This is what my doctor thinks I have, waiting for an endo visit to get proper tests. This video very helpful. Thank you.

  9. Fight Back Against Diabetes (George Wilson)

    You Did Not Choose To Be Classified As Diabetic, But You Can Choose To Fight Back Against Diabetes 💪

  10. Tony Thomas🇺🇸

    I thank you so much Dr Igudia for sending your Herbs to me which actually cured my Type 2 Diabetes. Now I’m free and enjoying my new life.

  11. Vici Cooper

    My daughter was 40 when diagnosed with diabetes. Never within a whisker of obesity. Active life. Within two years she was put on injecting insulin. No one knows which type she is, but is now having a test. They think she has also developed crohns. Her sugars have got a lot worse (in the teens) now she is fifty. Age, menopause? Not a happy bunny.

  12. Brad Fry

    I'm 38 just got out of the hospital the other day because I went to a medical center after losing a heap of weight and dry mouth and fatigue and all the other symptoms. Got to the emergency department with blood sugar and ketones through the roof they kept me a couple days before letting me go. No official diagnosis yet because here in New Zealand it can take time to get bloods back but they are fairly certain type 1 or Lada.

  13. Amy Schultheiss

    I've been telling my Dr's for YEARS that I think I have this. They claim they've checked and that I don't. But the only thing that helps get my sugar down is insulin. Diagnosed with diabetes ar 42. I'm 5'2 and was not over weight. I presented with unexplained weight loss, constant thirst, urination and hunger. Tried metforminan the other ones, didn't do much to my sugar at all. No family history of type 1 or 2 diabetes in my family. I'm now 56, have retinopathy and constantly struggle with sugar control. I'm going to a lab to get the tests you suggested on my own. I'm almost certain I have this.

  14. wienerdad

    No such thing as "Type 1.5" — LADA is Type 1 diabetes = autoimmune attack, specifically killing off the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans. There's no "blend" of Type 1 and Type 2 — they are separate conditions with similar outcomes. People can have both insulin resistance and autoimmunity. You are correct — 5-10% are estimated to be autoimmune diabetics who have been told they are insulin-resistant only. Which means that would automatically double or triple the number of autoimmune diabetics if they were tested and treated properly. You are right, LADA is an "autoimmune condition" which is a requirement for diagnosis, "insulin resistance" is not at all required for LADA. It's dumb they way people talk about this subject. Your video is better than most, but there's nothing "rare" about it. I got retested for antibodies after 7 years of dealing with this, and anti-GAD65 antibodies were still the only anitbodies present, though Zinc Transporter-8 were not included in the test. Glad you address the disagreement — definitely no proven, unique distinction between "Classic Type 1" and "LADA" other than belief in a difference in age of onset. Nothing in the title "Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults" indicates a difference except the word "Latent" which does not mean "Late" — it means "undiscovered" or "hidden." And the only reason it is "latent" is because doctors should always order the simple Autoimmune Diabetes Panel at diagnosis, but they don't. Why not?

  15. Sajid Hussain Abbasi

    Please suggest specific medications regime for ladsa

  16. Loveletter Generation

    I am 41 and was misdiagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 12 years ago. I began getting sicker, not being able to absorb nutrients, no energy, and lost weight to the point of looking like a skeleton. Years later they realised I had LADA and diagnosed properly. I was put on 2 different types of insulin, and after a few months I felt like my normal self again prior to my diagnoses 12 years ago. I gained some healthy weight back, and can absorb nutrients again. But it hasnt been an easy 12 years, and im always getting sick, and have been diagnosed with other illnesses and Autoimmune diseases. But i consider myself lucky, because it could be alot worse . Take care all x

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