Centre for Monogenic Diabetes Inaugurated | Dr V Mohan

Monogenic Diabetes refers to forms of diabetes caused by a mutation in a single gene. While there are several forms of monogenic diabetes, the two commonest forms are called Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) and Neonatal Diabetes. MODY affects children or youth, and family history of diabetes can be traced to three or more generations. There are several subtypes of MODY, and many of these can be controlled with tablets. In such cases, insulin injections can be stopped, and the tablets often work better than insulin. Neonatal Diabetes affects children below 6 months of age and is due to genetic defects in pancreatic insulin secretion. These defects be corrected by giving antidiabetic tablets like sulfonylureas which are inexpensive.

In many cases, children with MODY and Neonatal Diabetes are wrongly diagnosed to have type 1 diabetes and prescribed lifelong insulin injections. By doing a simple genetic test, if monogenic diabetes forms which respond to tablets are diagnosed, such children may stop insulin and be treated with tablets. It’s like a miracle for them.

The Centre for Monogenic Diabetes has been set up to identify all such children who may be having monogenic forms of diabetes like MODY or Neonatal Diabetes.

#monogenicdiabetes #diabetes #drvmohan
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2 comentarios

  1. Simpl Sania

    Hai dctr being a T1D I wanted 2 share my feelings about it……"Dear T1D, I hate you for choosing me. I hate that you force me to overthink and do all these painful things on an everyday basis. I hate you for all the sweaty, shaky, awake hypo nights – and for all the nauseous, headachy, thirsty hyper days. But, dear T1D, I’ve grown to accept you. And lately even kind of like you. You have taught me to fight for my health, to put myself first, and to never ever take the future for granted. You have given me qualities, opportunities and experiences. I’m doing what I do, and am what I am, partly thanks to you. I will never be thankful for what you’re doing to my body, but I am for how you have shaped me.”😊..I am Maseeha(sania) 20 yrs old T1D..My dctr names is Dr N G Shastri..Mohans domalguda branch Hyd.

  2. Simpl Sania

    Less of sugar means more of happiness….. Best wishes on World Diabetes Day!!!

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