COVID-19 Insights: Diabetes and COVID-19

COVID-19 Insights: Diabetes and COVID-19

COVID-19 Insights: Diabetes and COVID-19

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. Diabetes and COVID-19

Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China

Chinese data till February 11th 2020
Case fatality rate (CFR)
Cardiovascular diseases: 10.5%
Diabetes: 7.3%
Chronic respiratory diseases: 6.3%
Hypertension: 6%
Cancer: 5.6%

Prevention steps to stay healthy

Diabetic patients are
More prone to dehydration due to elevated glucose. (As the kidneys throw the glucose out and in the process throw the water out as well.) So keep it controlled.
When A1C goes in 9-10 range then the risk of complications increases significantly.

What to do?
Wash hands
Wear mask
Get a flu shot
If you are insulin dependent then keep extra insulin at hand.
Keep your diabetes and hypertension well managed.

What happens to immune system in diabetes?

Chronic hyperglycemia causes blood vessel narrowing and damage leading to slower perfusion and nerve damage. Nerve damage occurs both because of poor blood supply to the nerves and the accumulation of glucose in the myeline sheath and damaging it.

High glucose levels impair neutrophil activity (innate arm.)
Cytosolic calcium increases in PMN cells. This in turn reduces their ability to phagocytose. It happens because high levels of calcium reduce the synthesis of ATP that in turn is needed for the cellular function.
Study showing that the hyperglycemia increases intracellular calcium:

PMN chemotaxis is also impaired.
Reduced complement response
Reduced leukocyte adherence to the blood vessels. Study mentioining endothelial dysfunction:
Reduced response to pathogens
Chronic hyperglycemia leads to acidosis which further reduces the activity of the immune system. (Study mentioning immune dysregulation with various acids:
Skin cells become less efficient and skin and urinary infections become common.

Additionally, the reduced carbohydrate metabolism causes increased fatty acids mobilization. This results in the vascular endothelium to become atherosclerotic. Resulting also, in the narrowing of the blood vessels and reduced perfusion.
High free fatty acids also cause high levels of reactive oxygen species. This in turn makes our tissues prone to easy damage.
FFA cause disruption of insulin responding mechanisms.
Inflammation caused by ROS leading to adipocyte insulin resistance and inflammation:

Hyperglycemia causes an increase of dicarbonyl production. Dicarbonyl in turn reduces the function of beta-definsins. That are necessary to kill pathogens.

Endocrine and metabolic link to coronavirus infection

MERS COV and diabetes
Comorbid diabetes results in immune dysregulation and enhanced disease severity following MERS-CoV infection

T Helper 17 cells that release IL-17alpha

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 21 (IL-21) and interleukin 23 (IL-23) contribute to Th17 formation in mice and humans.

Vitamin D in turn severely impairs the production of the TH17 cells. Hence, reducing the proinflammatory behavior.

ACE2 activity is upgregulated in pancreas of the diabetic patients.

Binding of SARS coronavirus to its receptor damages islets and causes acute diabetes

Why Is Coronavirus a Bigger Worry for People With Diabetes?

Everything You Should Know About Coronavirus and Diabetes
Are people with diabetes more likely to get COVID-19?

How about DKA and complication?

What are the concerning signs?
Shortness of breath
Persistent pressure/pain in the chest
New confusion or inability to arouse
Bluish lips/tongue or face

High blood sugar means that cells have less sugar to function. This includes the immune cells. Hence, all cells become an easy target.

Calcium depletion in the presence of hyperglycemia
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20 comentarios


    Thankyou doctor …
    Your video help me lot while doing my project 🥰

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  10. نرجس عبدو

    Please, I wanna refrance about effect Il-6 on diabetic covid 19.

  11. Fatima Adam

    So wonderful how i was able to beat my Diabetes disease with the help of Dr Igudia on YouTube herbal medicine. God will reward you Doc!

  12. Margareta Charlotte

    With gratitude in my heart I wanna say a very big thank you to Dr Igudia on YouTube for helping me eradicate my Type two diabetes with his herbs medication.

  13. Victor dos santos

    I’m using this opportunity to appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube for his herbs medication that I used in curing my Type 2 Diabetes

  14. Amos Emenike

    A very big appreciation to Dr. IGUDIA on YouTube for helping me get rid of my five years old Diabetes disease with his herbs medication. may God continue to bless your good work sir.


    Naive health service providers get misguided because of the bogus normal sugar level quarantining the poor covid patient with whole lot of u proved anticovid drugs without insulin and energy pushing the patient to irreversible Ards and death which has happened. With my brother Simon who was pushed to death because he was allowed to continue with sglt2 inhibitor without insulin. What he needed was just insulin. My request you delve on this topic for the benefit others


    Sglt2 inhibitors cause eudka and therefore these drugs should be banned in view of the pandemic because cause gross dysregulatiin of the immune system with no atp ie energy to both the innate as well as the adaptive arm of the immune system.

  17. Ketogenic Doctor Jeff

    Dr. Been, you are confusing metabolic ketoacidosis with nutritional ketosis. In type 1 diabetes if there is no insulin the patient will to into ketoacidosis.That is a dangerous situation. But, in type 2 diabetes when you eliminate carbohydrates (or when you fast) you will enter a state of nutritional ketosis. In nutritional ketosis the immune system is augmented. Fasting improves immune function because of nutritional ketosis. Nutritional ketosis is a natural state for humans and is healthy. When we sleep we go into nutritional ketosis. When there is nutritional ketosis there will also be autophagy. Autophagy improves the immune function. Nutritional ketosis improves macrophage function. Burning ketones in nutritional ketosis produces less reactive oxygen species than when you burn glucose in carbohydrate metabolism. Ketones are a cleaner (and more efficient) burning fuel than glucose and produces more ATP. Nutritional ketosis improves insulin sensitivity. Intermittent fasting does help type 2 diabetes. It lowers the insulin level and improves control of the diabetes. If you want information on this you can read or listen to Dr. Jason Fung. His books include 'The Complete Guide to Fasting' and 'The Diabetes Code'. He is also on youtube. Another good book is 'Metabolic Autophagy' by Siim Land. He is also on youtube. Otherwise, this was a good lecture.

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