Diabetes Food Hub: A Guide

Diabetes Food Hub: A Guide

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That Diabetes Documentary - Episode 1: The Rising Tide of Diabetes

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We want to keep making informative research-based videos for you. So if you got value from this video and would like more of it, you can send us a ‘Super Thanks’ by clicking the Thanks button at the bottom of the video. We would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! 🙂
In this video, you will:

1. Learn the basics of what it means to be diagnosed with Type 1, Type 2, and Prediabetes

2. Meet Ryan, Rachel, and others who have discovered impactful and lasting methods for successfully lowering their blood glucose levels to the point at which they are no longer classified as Type 2 diabetics

Watch Episode 1 of the 8 part series, That Diabetes Documentary to begin your journey towards a happier, healthier, and longer life.

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20 comentarios

  1. slim439

    40;17 Who can take what she is saying, with any confidence, when she has clown eyebrows…..looks like a Klingon.

  2. Debbie Evans Phelar

    I’m so much grateful to Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 diabetes with his natural herbs medication and I’m also using this opportunity to recommend everyone who also suffers from Diabetes disease to contact him on his YouTube channel because his herbs are indeed very effective.

  3. Margaret Belcher Rudd

    My Diabetes experience was a very difficult one for so many years before I finally came to know about Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 diabetes disease with his natural herbs medication which I got from him.

  4. Janis Nielson

    I really can’t stop thanking Dr IGUDIA on YouTube who cured my Diabetes with his natural herbs medication.
    I feel so great again living a more comfortable life being free from Diabetes disease permanently after using his natural herbs medication

  5. Jo Brown

    I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in October 2021. After 3 months on a low carb diet my A1C went from 7.0 to 5.2. My blood pressure has also gone down and my weight has dropped 10%. I eat 3 meals a day and no longer get "hangry". I do get hungry but I don't have to eat immediately and can delay my meal by more than 1 hour if needed.

  6. James Williams

    Are you having issue with diabetes Dr alued have the cure I'm free

  7. Adam Bourne

    I was 142kg 12 months ago I’m 35 yrs of age and in last year half was told I was a type 2.I was on medication n injections and was told it can’t be fix.I found IF and keto.I started walking daily that was it didn’t punch myself one bit.but push my keto diet to the max lol. 1 month I was off all medication. 1 year later I’m 80kg and Holden a perfect weight for my height my health has gone back to how I felt in my teen our body’s are amazing can can fix itself.my life changed for the best.my blood sugar level now is between 70 n doesn’t go any higher than 5,4 after eating..yes exercise is a important for overall health.but to reverse type 2 and to loose with 90% is nutrition.10% is exercise.drop carbs n sugars lower stress and get good sleep and massive progress WILL HAPPEN.

  8. memy angel2

    My type 2 Diabetes came to an end after using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr IGUDIA on his YouTube channel.
    The herbs medication was indeed very effective and helpful.

  9. Amos Emenike

    Who says Diabetes disease has no cure and permanent treatment? Let me introduce you all to Dr IGUDIA on YouTube who cured my partner and I from Diabetes disease with his natural herbal medication.

  10. Janice NICHOLS

    This documentary was so informative…I've been living with Type 2 for the last 5 years, now on 2 medications to control my numbers…I'm starting to take it more seriously and am starting a regimen to lose 40 lbs…5 years too late but still hoping to at least get off 1 medication…I believe exercise is important…I won't be running marathons but I plan to start walking and hope to do 2 to 3 miles a day…I'm also getting a pool and plan to do water aerobics…I've already got my pool weights…Both my parents had Type 2 and all my siblings do as well, so I'm very sure it has to do with genetics somewhat…I purchased an air fryer and have been making some delicious meals and Veggie sides without all the oil…I never have eaten at restaurants or take out much in the past as I like home cooked better for the nutritional value…I look forward to more videos and better health…Thank you for sharing this information.

  11. Charles Scott

    My daughter drinks lots of water and urinates with the same rate, there are no other symptoms to show if those have anything to do with diabetes. This is a good information that I have gone through Diabets.Care She is 2 years 9 months, hale and healthy, have not done any blood test. But I am not certain if one can get diabetes at such a tender age. Please I will like to know more on that

  12. Karen Blackerby

    I must thank and recommend Dr IGUDIA on YouTube who cured my Herpes simplex virus with his herbal medicine which I ordered from him. All thanks to him and I advise anyone who also suffers from Herpes virus to contact him on his YouTube channel.

  13. gamesaq

    "How do we solve this problem?" Cut the carbs and vegetable oils, problem solved. Your welcome

  14. michael dickson

    I am type 2 and highly economically challenged, change for some simply can't work because of low economic advantage. When I lost state run Badgercare i went without insulin for many months. I found it no different than having insulin. If you are economically challenged you might be wasting your time trying to manage.

  15. Maikano Ibrahim

    I won’t stop thanking and recommending Dr IGUDIA on his YouTube channel who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his natural herbs medication

  16. afolabi isiaka

    My type 2 Diabetes came to an end after using the natural herbs medication I got from Dr IGUDIA on his YouTube channel. I will forever thank you sir.

  17. Lisa Castagne432

    A very big appreciation to Dr. IGUDIA on YouTube for helping me get rid of my five years old type 2 Diabetes disease with his natural herbs medication. may God continue to bless your good work sir.

  18. Phantoma3

    One of my brothers is type 2 as an adult because since being a kid he drank full strength coke like it was water. He used to buy several 24 can packs at a time. Whereas, the only soft drinks I drank were diet sodas because I have always hated how sweet sugary sodas are. It was weird how he never put on weight with all that coke but did get diabetes though.

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