Diacare 5000 RE – Tecarterapia Profesional Recargable

Diacare 5000 RE – Tecarterapia Profesional Recargable

Diacare 5000 es el modelo con más altas prestaciones de entre todos los aparatos de Tecar Terapia Globus – Transferencia Energética Capacitiva y Resistiva. Un equipo que lleva la diatermia o tecarterapia a otro nivel ofreciendo todos los recursos para conseguir sanar el cuerpo aprovechando nuestras energías internas y los mecanismos naturales de autoregenereación de los tejidos y los músculos.

Descubre más en: http://tienda.fisaude.com/diatermia-diacare-5000-re-ahora-solo-pagas-cuando-usas-p-42479.html
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Globus - DiaCaRe 7000 TECAR Therapy

Meet the newest member of the Globus family, the DiaCaRe 7000 TECAR therapy unit for musculoskeletal traumas and pathologies. It is the most comprehensive, powerful, and versatile diathermy machine on the market today.

TECAR therapy uses endogenous heat production which is generated by the movement of electric charges to stimulate the reparative process and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
The Globus DiaCaRe 7000 uses two methods for treatment, capacitive and resistive.

With the Capacitive method, a return plate is used along with an insulated electrode to treat tissues that have a low resistance to current: skin, connective, tissue, circulatory system, and lymphatic system.

The Resistive method is performed with non-insulated electrodes and is indicated for the treatment of highly resistive tissues: bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and fibrotic tissues.

▶️ https://tecarglobususa.com
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