How to Fill a Cartridge on the t:slim X2 Insulin Pump

This video shows the steps for filling a cartridge on the t:slim X2 insulin pump. This content is intended for Canadian audiences. For more information please visit:
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20 comentarios

  1. Dalila Saleh

    I'm very pleased with this video now I can do it without looking at the video I'm soooooo glad 😊 .

  2. Victoria W.

    Had the Tandem pump for several years and I'm still kind of astounded why this process is so complicated. It takes me many times longer to change this than the pure hydraulic lever on older insulin pumps, and that time definitely adds up through the week. The pressure sensor is an absolute mess which landed me in the ER once as their helpline was no use and there was no published guide on how to fix issues with altitude/pressure.

    I think it's more complicated than it's worth. You waste 15-20 units every time you need to change cartridge even for a top up.

  3. Ed Latka

    I have been a Type 1 Diabetic for 60 years, on a Medtronic pump for 9 years and now on the Tandem t:slim X2 with control IQ, which is the reason my Endocrinologist wanted me to switch. The Medtronic system reservoir changing, filling, loading, and priming was far superior and so simple compared to the Tandem. I think the designers of the Tandem system should have looked at the Medtronic reservoir system and received input from diabetics using insulin pumps before settling on this archaic design. On top of that, I use less than 50 units in a 3 day period. To fill a Tandem reservoir to the minimum amounts required means I have to put in 6 days worth of insulin and change the cannula after 3 days. The waste of supplies and insulin is careless. On a positive note, the control IQ technology has decreased the number of my hypoglycemic events.

  4. Kathrin Moore

    I am due to start on the Dexcom in a few weeks and the IQ. I don't know hwat to expect and any comments on managing sport/hypos woudl help? On menopause and really struggling with lots of random lows. Will this help?

  5. aurelie audot

    My daughter drinks lots of water and urinates with the same rate, there are no other symptoms to show if those have anything to do with diabetes. This is a good information that I have gone through Diabets.Care She is 2 years 9 months, hale and healthy, have not done any blood test. But I am not certain if one can get diabetes at such a tender age. Please I will like to know more on that

  6. Elena Oakes

    The instructions I have say that you should pull the plunger all the way back when getting the air out of the new cartridge this is not what is shown here, which method is correct?


    How many infusion kits come with It? Or are they sold separately?

  8. Laotl

    I did my first cartridge and infusion set solo tonight. I am very glad to have these videos available.

    Overall, I am very pleased with the tSlim and Dexcom combo. My numbers have been running much better now. However, I did like my old cartridge and infusion set better.

  9. Margaret Belcher Rudd

    Yes indeed, Great work deserve good recommendations, thanks to Dr Igudia on YouTube for curing my Diabetes with his herbal medication. I will forever tell the world about your good work.

  10. Jack Eaton

    Only just got one of these pumps a few weeks ago, got it with the Dexcom g6 sensor and the control IQ chip. Absolute life changer. Control is so much better and im having to put a lot less effort into managing my diabetes thanks to the control IQ chip. Worst thing about it is filling it up for me as my old pump was so simple, but its a no brainer having a pump thats more difficult to fill but makes life so much better.

  11. Michael Marcus

    There's an important step missing in the video. At the end of the "Fill Tubing" process, and at the end of the "Fill Cannula" process (see the video at exactly 5:26 in), you are presented with a "Back Arrow" option at the top left of the screen, and a Green "Check" icon on the right-hand side of the screen. If you hit the logical Green "Check" option, the loading process starts over and you are forced to repeat the "Fill Tubing" process, losing at least 10 or so units. Instead of the Green "Check" when done, you must select the "Back Arrow." Only then are you presented with the "Resume Insulin Now Option." I'd recommend that Tandem refresh the UI to make that more clear for users. Other than that small nit, it's been a thoroughly great experience switching from Medtronic to Tandem. If I'm doing this wrong, or if anyone has other recommendations, I'm all ears.

  12. iamjoachim25

    we once encountered “resume insulin” there anything wrong with the pump?

  13. itis private

    worst tech support ever 4 and 6 hour wait to get a call back. if you have a 4 to 6 hr wait to call back you best be doing some hiring
    i so flipping wish i would have known, i wouldnt have gotten this companies product

  14. iamjoachim25

    I have seen caregivers refilling cartridges in advance and store in fridge. Is that safe and recommended?

  15. StevenCodeBlack

    I just put in a new filled cartridge and after I fill the tubing infusion set, it keeps telling me a minimum of 50 units is required and forces me to repeat the previous steps of replacing the cartridge and tubing despite filling the cartridge with over 200 units of insulin how do I fix this and get out of this loop? Its still doing this even when I replace and refill another entirely new cartridge too.

  16. Colleen Koch

    Sorry, but, seriously, I don't like the idea of going from using Insulin pens to using a syringe and vile to fill up a cartridge for this pump! Like, why isn't there a better way to do this?!? Why isn't there a way to use my Novolog Insulin pens to fill up the cartridge? Seems like such a waste of Insulin!

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