How to remove air bubbles from an insulin pen I Diabetes Tutorials

Snehal shows us how to remove air bubbles from an insulin pen. Tell us if you do it the same way!

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31 comentarios

  1. kukulakalaka

    Doesn't work. Drives me crazy when I keep ejecting insulin by trying this and the air bubble just stays in there.

  2. Jacques Taljaard

    i use this method but what i also do when holding the pen upright is unscrew the needle but i don't take it out . the screw in threads should just touch eachother . this way the needle isnt in the vial . i select 2 units and press down on the plunger (not too hard) then i slowly screw the needle back into the pen so the plunger moves . this way you get all the air out

    also i store my pen upright with the needle at the top . this seems to reduce the air bubbles forming in the pen

  3. Phoenix Edits

    I had broken my insulin cartridge slightly , I could see some air in it , can I use it or should I dispose it? Does it have any harmful effects?

  4. Em Brown

    What happens if you accidentally inject a bubble into skin?

  5. pp

    if I use 10 unit।।। what should be my blood sugar in empty stomach after 5 days

  6. Riya Rishu

    I am college going student so how can I carry my insulin pen in summer?

  7. Servant of Allah

    Where do you keep the needle after removal???

  8. Saira

    Thank u.. it's work for me to when I had to change for my mother in law.

  9. MDK

    I just had this happen to my Semglee pen. Thanks for the tip, worked great.

  10. Ayandeji Adebayo

    Words aren’t enough for me to show how I grateful I am for helping me to get rid of my type 2 Diabetes Dr Igudia.

  11. Emma Uya

    You have my maximum respect Dr Igudia, I am now negative from my Diabetes after I did the test, I wonder what might have become of me it I didn't get the herbal cure From your YouTube channel. God bless you sir

  12. Mayorfred

    God bless Dr.Igudia on YouTube, all my life will keep thanking you for the great help and for your product which actually works in eradicating my diabetes out of my body system.

  13. Aju Obasi

    God bless now and always Dr Igudia. And I really wanted to say a very big thanks for helping me cure my diabetes I thought it was the end until I meant you keep saving lives doctor.

  14. Jamie Cee49

    Not me. But my roomy has one on his leg. And it just popped. Having to take care of it tell he can go to the doctor. Guess it was probably a blister. Is what it looked like. You can get bad legs too not just feet.

  15. Jackie levy

    Dr Igudia natural herbs remedies are indeed the best when it comes type 2 Diabetes treatment and permanent cure. His natural herbs cured my type 2 Diabetic completely after just three weeks of using the herbs.

  16. Aju Obasi

    Really appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes disease with his herbs medication which I got from him and I can eat all kinds of food after using his herbs medication

  17. Maria Ogochukwu

    My husband was able to cure his type 2 diabetes permanently with the natural herbs supplements we ordered from Dr Igudia on YouTube and I encourage you all to try his natural herbs supplements

  18. Mina J Hooper

    I want to personally take time out to appreciate Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel for the herbs medication I ordered from him in curing my Diabetes disease

  19. Amos Emenike

    A very big appreciation to Dr. IGUDIA on YouTube for helping me get rid of my five years old type 2 Diabetes disease with his natural herbs medication. may God continue to bless your good work sir.

  20. whomadethatsaltysoup

    Excellent video! Thank you for sharing! So much better than the usual NHS nonsense promoting bread, potatoes, rice and pasta along with a shedload of medications. These practical steps anyone can take are firmly rooted in the 'prevention is better than cure' camp, and not, as is so often the case these days, 'just wait until you develop an ulcer, and then we can prescribe some antibiotics, NSAIDs' or whatever.
    Prevention is even more of an imperative under present circumstances, as it is almost impossible to see a clinician, and, TBH, I'd feel a bit ridiculous rocking up to A&E with a foot blister when there are so many people waiting for cancer treatments and other acute illnesses.
    By the same token, I would not judge anyone who did end up in A&E – even if they did only think it was a harmless blister. For many of us, this could result in an infection with potentially life-changing consequences.
    This telephone consultation is a complete nonsense. Just as I would not expect one of my clients to tell me the backset of a Euro cylinder, or indeed, to hop up onto the roof to check for missing tiles, how ridiculous is it to expect the layperson to differentiate between heartburn and angina?
    Once again, thank you for sharing!

  21. Sumathi Dass

    My foot is totally damaged from top upper part of my foot bottom is only ok is there any sutable chappal for this type please suggest if any available

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