How Unhealthy Lifestyle Can Cause Prediabetes and Diabetes, Animation

How Unhealthy Lifestyle Can Cause Prediabetes and Diabetes, Animation

(USMLE topics) Mechanisms by which obesity and physical inactivity can cause pre-diabetes and diabetes. This video is available for instant download licensing here:
©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
Voice by Ashley Fleming
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Diabetes refers to a group of conditions characterized by high levels of blood glucose, commonly known as blood sugar. Glucose comes from digestion of carbohydrates in food, and is carried by the bloodstream to various body tissues. But glucose cannot cross the cell membrane to enter the cells on its own; to do so, it requires assistance from a hormone produced by the pancreas called insulin. Binding of insulin to its receptor on a target cell triggers a signaling cascade that brings glucose transporters to the cell membrane, creating passageways for glucose to enter the cells. In most tissues, muscles for example, glucose is used as an energy source, while in the liver and adipose tissue, it is also stored for later use, in the form of glycogen and fats. When the body is in the fasted state, the liver produces and secretes glucose into the blood, while adipose tissues release free fatty acids to the liver where they are converted into additional metabolic fuel.
Diabetes happens when insulin is either deficient or its action is compromised. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells; it stays in the blood, causing high blood sugar levels.
There are 2 major types of diabetes. Type 1 is when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin; and type 2 is when the body’s cells do not respond well to insulin – they are insulin-resistant. Both types are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors but genetics plays a major role in type 1, while lifestyle is a predominant risk factor for type 2. For this reason, type 1 diabetes usually starts suddenly in childhood, while type 2 progresses gradually during adulthood, going through a so called pre-diabetic stage, which is defined as borderline blood sugar levels. Pre-diabetes is very common. Unhealthy lifestyle is the trigger of pre-diabetes and the main driving force behind its progression to diabetes type 2. The key factors are obesity and physical inactivity.
There are at least 2 ways by which obesity can cause insulin resistance and high blood glucose.
First, in obesity, fat cells have to process more nutrients than they can manage and become stressed. As a result, they release inflammatory mediators, known as cytokines. Cytokines interfere with the signaling cascade by insulin receptor, blocking the action of insulin.
Second, excess adipose tissue releases abnormally large amount of free fatty acids to the liver – an event that normally happens only when the body is fasting. This tricks the liver into producing and releasing more glucose into the blood. High blood glucose stimulates further insulin secretion. Constant high insulin levels de-sensitize body tissues, causing insulin insensitivity.
Intra-abdominal fat appears to produce more fatty acids and cytokines, and therefore has more severe effect on blood glucose, than subcutaneous, or peripheral fat. For this reason, large waist size is a greater risk factor than high body mass index.
Sedentary lifestyle, apart from having indirect effect by causing weight gain, has its own direct impact on insulin resistance. This is because physical activity is required to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Physical activity increases energy demand by the muscles, which consume glucose from the blood, and subsequently from glucose storage in the liver and adipose tissue. High energy expenditure helps to clear up faster the spikes of blood glucose that follow every meal. High energy demand also promotes better cellular response to insulin, increasing insulin sensitivity. Physical inactivity, even for a short period of time, results in consistently higher spikes of blood sugar after meals, which can trigger pre-diabetic changes in healthy individuals, or speed up transition from pre-diabetes to diabetes. This happens not only to over-weight patients, but also to people with seemingly healthy weight.

Diabetes Complication and Pathophysiology of the complication

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37 comentarios

  1. essentialeugene

    My A1C was 8.1 and blood glucose was 600!!!. Should I lower my sugar by eating less carbs?

  2. Jasmine S.

    im obese, only by eating super low carb and intermittent fasting can i somewhat get my blood sugar down, my dad has diabetes

  3. essentialeugene

    I think prediabetics should stay away from sugar.

  4. Emma Jamieson

    That’s all good information about how to prevent it but what about the children being diagnosed how do you think they feel especially when usually they have no say in their diet?

  5. Practical Health

    It's clear that chronic high glucose levels lead to health issues, but can you clarify what's wrong with temporary glucose spikes? Like the ones caused by eating a banana or an apple. Is it a great workout for the beta cells in the pancreas to quickly ramp up insulin production? Thank you in advance, somehow I can't find any good research on this topic.

  6. Dominator !!!!!

    I'm active ..I go to the gym & lift in the morning ,I have a physical job & then after dinner I go for a walk for at least 45 minutes but most times longer . .I drink so much water it's coming out of my ears ….I do a low carb diet all day ….So outside of some drinks on tbe weekend (Bacardi Silver .. No carbs ,so sugar no anything but empty calories with Club soda) & my weekend cheat food of pizza or wings ,I'm pretty damn good all week …But my waist line has suddenly grown …& I can't get the weight off like I use to …My Dr said I'm prediabetic & need to cut out pasta & starches "Doc I don't have pasta!!!! Believe me I fucking miss it!!!" So I'm gonna try a medication cuz I'm being honest when I say I'm actually trying ….So frustrating 🙄

  7. Bomge Riji

    srry but in my locality numbers of people drinking and they are very much fat for more than 40 to 50 years but they are not diabetic..can you please explain..

  8. agaragar21

    Insulin Resistance is mostly determined by DIET……………its the Animal Fat consumption that causes intramuscular fat, at far higher rates than Carb Consumption

    its not really a "lifestyle" issue, its really only animal diet issue……….unless your drinking a gallon of soft drinks everyday

  9. Jay M

    Refined, processed, packaged, snack, fast, junk, deep-fried foods & drinks promote diabetes.
    All minimally-process plant-based foods protect against diabetes.
    Insulin levels predict diabetes a decade before blood glucose levels do.
    You are more prone to diabetes if you are especially adapted to survive starvation.
    Medical and pharma industries are looking for more diabetics.

  10. Alexis Cao

    Clear and informative. Very helpful to understand how lifestyle affects health

  11. shail anu

    Pls make a video for fat types and losing mechanism with efficient way

  12. Evelyn Lopez

    I am grateful for the good work you did for me, I am now free from my long term diabetes after using the herbal medicine he send to me, may God bless your good work

  13. Shelby T Mitchell

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  14. Onuegbu Favour

    Let me take this time to appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube who I came across through a friend of mine who told me about his natural herbs supplements which cured her diabetes disease completely and I also ordered the herbs medication which cured my diabetes disease completely

  15. Shelby T Mitchell

    I sincerely appreciate the work of Dr Igudia on YouTube who helped me with his natural herbs medication which I used in curing my Diabetes once and for all.

  16. Henry howard

    I was cured from diabetes after using doctor alued on YouTube medicine 💃💃🇺🇸🌍

  17. Henry howard

    I was cured from diabetes after using doctor alued on YouTube medicine 💃💃🇺🇸🌍

  18. Blessing Funturu

    I still can’t stop thanking and recommending Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my diabetes with his natural supplements which I got from him after I contacted him on his YouTube channel.

  19. J O

    Wow, that was a great explanation. My sister had a foot ulcer, and she used an antimicrobial shoot in solid PodoPhylus. The insole slowly releases iodine gas that keeps the foot and shoe aseptic. The wound healed nicely..

  20. Vivian Cam

    This DM can be reversed naturally and you could have your healthy life back. I have a friend who was making use of traditional medicine and a diet plan from Ichie Arinze Herbal Home (on Youtube) to treat type 2 Diabetes and Tinnitus. I asked her recently if she was still hearing disturbing noises and she smiled and said "no more noise". She went further to explain that she used natural herbs she ordered from Ichie Arinze Herbal Home to reverse the tinnitus, together with diabetes. For some years now she looks normal. I remember when her situation was very severe. She always looks sick, with an open leg injury that doesn't seem to be healing. Today she looks so healthy and enjoying normal productive life😊 Praise God

  21. Aju Obasi

    Really appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his herbs medication which I got from him and I can eat all kinds of food after using his herbs.

  22. Austine Ogar

    I used to think having Diabetes disease was the end of life for me but all that change when I came across Dr IGUDIA on YouTube who gave me his natural herbs medication which I used in curing my type 2 Diabetes .

  23. Blessing Funturu

    I still can’t stop thanking and recommending Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his natural supplements which I got from him after I contacted him on his YouTube channel.

  24. Aarti thaur

    my uncle was suffering from diabetes he took treatment from planet ayurveda which cured him ,,you can also try planet Ayurveda medication for good results.

  25. Pardeep Chopra

    Thanks for the Nice video sir, i was suffering from diabetes and i was scary to use allopathic medicines because of their side effects but after searching on YouTube i follow your tips & drink 1 glass of karela juice early in the morning along with taking karela capsules of planet Ayurveda and now my blood sugar levels are are in control

  26. Lesego Maimane

    Sure joining soon. I'm doing my final year in medicine. you are helping me connect a lot of "dots". grateful

  27. Vivian Jennifer

    I still can’t stop thanking Dr Igudia on YouTube for the good job he is doing out there saving lives with his natural herbs medication. He cured my Type 2 Diabetes with his natural herbs

  28. Vicky Mukherjee

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  29. WhaTsApChat±⓵⓻⓷⓸⓷⓪⓸⓪⓵⓽⓸

    Dr Igudia on YouTube natural herbs medication is indeed the best natural herbs medication you can use in curing your type 2 diabetes permanently because I was once suffering from diabetes disease but with the help of his herbs I’m free from diabetes.

  30. Jesse Powell

    you are truly gifted! thank you these videos!

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