If you are diabetic, include these fruits in your diet

If you are diabetic, include these fruits in your diet

If you are diabetic, include these fruits in your diet

Contrary to popular belief and widespread misconceptions, there is no harm in including some fruits in your meal plan if you are a diabetes patient. According to experts, diabetics should consider the glycemic index and glycemic load of fruits, which affect the blood sugar level. Some fruits like pears, oranges and cherries, among others, can help regulate blood sugar level.

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20 comentarios

  1. monica sunday

    I thought my body would never be the same again, but you fixed it. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Igudia for helping me cure my Type 2 diabetes successfully

  2. Salmanu Aminu

    I appreciate your determination in showing me I can be healed from the Type 2 diabetes, Thanking you for your perseverance, support, and love, thank you Dr Igudia, YouTube for being the wonderful Dr that you are

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    My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my type 2 Diabetes you are amazing.

  5. Salmanu Aminu

    I appreciate your determination in showing me I can be healed from the Type 2 diabetes, Thanking you for your perseverance, support, and love, thank you Dr Igudia, YouTube for being the wonderful Dr that you are

  6. monica sunday

    I thought my body would never be the same again, but you fixed it. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Igudia for helping me cure my Type 2 diabetes successfully

  7. Ummi Magaji

    I'm grateful to have come across you Dr Igudia youtube, I'm now free after I used the medicine you sent me, having type 2 diabetes almost ruined my life but I'm happy today after I used your treatment

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  9. monica sunday

    I thought my body would never be the same again, but you fixed it. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Igudia for helping me cure my type 2 Diabetes successfully

  10. monica sunday

    I thought my body would never be the same again, but you fixed it. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Igudia for helping me cure my Type 2 Diabetes successfully


    My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my type 2 Diabetes you are amazing

  12. Habiba Ibrahim

    My type 2 diabetes came to an end after using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel. The herbs medication was indeed very effective and helpful.

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    Stop believing What the doctors says that there’s no cure for diabetes, I was recently cured of my Type 2 Diabetes disease with the herbs medication I ordered from Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel

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  15. Habiba Ibrahim

    My type 2 Diabetes came to an end after using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel. The herbs medication was indeed very effective and helpful.

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    I still can’t stop thanking and recommending Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 diabetes with his natural supplements which I got from him after I contacted him on his YouTube channel.

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  18. memy angel2

    A very big appreciation to Dr Igudia on YouTube for helping me getting rid off my five years old Type 2 diabetic with his natural herbs supplements which I got from him after I contacted him on his YouTube channel

  19. emmal okeke

    Hello everyone, I want to recommend Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 diabetes with his natural herbs supplements which I got from him after a friend told me about his natural herbs supplements that cured her type 2 diabetes


    All thanks and gratitude to Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his natural herbs medication which I ordered from him. His herbs medication are indeed very effective and cures Diabetes disease permanently.

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