MODY – A "Rare" Form of Diabetes

MODY makes up 1-2% of all diabetes cases and is a completely genetic condition. In this video PA-C David Doriguzzi explains what MODY is and what causes it. We talk about how to know if you have MODY and when to suspect it. Lastly, we discuss the four most common forms of MODY and how each type is managed.

If you’d like more insight from a person living with MODY, check out the channel «Tasting Positive». You can find it here:

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video by: Dr.SIDHARTHA
edit by: karthik
Video Rating: / 5

22 comentarios

  1. AL2VAR

    i must talk with my physican. I was diagnosed with MODY a decade ago (and I take Sulfonylureas) but I never got the type, just MODY.

  2. Aju Obasi

    Really appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my Diabetes type 2 with his natural herbs medication which I got from him and I can eat all kinds of food after using his herbs.

  3. Jaimee Voth

    Thank you for this! I've just been diagnosed with diabetes and waiting to find out if it's MODY. Only discovered because I had diabetes in pregnancy with my second, and started monitoring in 1st trimester with my third. Unfortunately I lost him in 2nd trimester. I kept monitoring and my fasting levels went up🤦‍♀️ but if I hadn't had a previous high risk pregnancy and been worried, none of this would have probably been discovered.

  4. Enalegwu Adai

    I want to appreciate Dr akho1 HERBAL on YouTube who has general cure for all kinds of disease such as Staph , diabetes , HIV , herpes treatment , cancer , diabetes , fardyce spots , and many others i was completely cured from PCOS .🌿🍃

  5. Noora Shereef

    My sister got diagnosed with MODY 2 but she had bit more severe. Her HNA1C became like around 20 her eye sight worsened her blood sugar level became in 500 just in the tender age of 16. And she’s currently in 16 units of insulin with all the tabs. he saying type 2 MODY needing no treatment is utterly false

  6. memy angel2

    I want everyone to join me in thanking Dr IGUDIA on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his natural herbs medication which I ordered from him..

  7. Jenny Orsak

    I was diagnosed with type 2 when I was 14, but I wasn't obese, just on the heavy side. They gave me pills and told me to exercise. I struggled with it for years. When I was pregnant, they put me on insulin and I finally began to have control. So after my babies, they tried to make me take Metformin, but I couldn't handle the side effects. Now I'm 45 on a pump plus ozempic and my A1C is 5.7. No high blood pressure, no high cholesterol. I just have a hard time controlling my weight.

  8. DJ Mooncheeks

    I was diagnosed as "hypoglycemic" when I was 4 by my mother, and 15 by my family doctor. My chart during my GTT matches what my sugars do now. High peaks and quick crashing back to down to a low, not necessarily a dangerous low. I've scared paramedics when I was younger because I always had the "fruity breath" associated with diabetic problems, but my GTTs kept coming back normal. In 5 pregnancies (including a loss), I passed all but 1 random fasting glucose. The one I failed, the very next day I had a 3 hr GTT and passed with flying colours. The next two pregnancies, my random fasting tests were normal.

    The Freestyle Libres I was wearing showed this rollercoaster change in my sugars. My family doctors (different doctor) when I was 47 diagnosed me as "diabetic" because my A1C moved just a smidge. I tried following a diabetic diet and that didn't work. I took metformin and was having bad lows. My mother, her father, and his mother all had cystic kidneys and I was diagnosed with that too. My last check was a 3.5cm cyst on one of my kidneys. The diabetes specialist for my province took me off metformin and told me to never take it, gave me a libre to use, and said to watch my charts for a couple of months and eat "normally". Libres were not prescription where I was from in Canada. The family doctor who diagnosed me with diabetes demanded I go back on the diabetic diet and it wasn't until the pandemic that my numbers started to creep up just a bit. My last A1c showed I was still well below 7 but that was a year ago now. I asked for alternative diabetes testing to rule out Lada and Mody and was refused, and I was told by him that I was not his only type 2 and I should stop fussing and do what he said even though my A1c was creeping up cause of his directives

    Here in the states, one of the doctors who has seen me says that I do not have Type 2 diabetes and immediately suggested LADA. Mody was my other theory, and after your description, Type 5 Mody is what I suspect I might have. My mother also died with pancreatic cancer being one of the diseases she as fighting. Trying to get a doctor to listen to me in Canada was harder than having a tooth worked on. Here, in the states, they seem to be more interested in the possibilities of other sorts of diabetics, not just lump everything not type 1 into type 2. It would not surprise me if I did have Lada or Mody, because my diabetes-like symptoms are not typical of a diabetic.

  9. Bane Williams

    So my partner assumed she had MODY after watching this video, and her sister got diagnosed with MODY 3, so naturally she figured she had MODY 3 also, it made a lot of sense. Her genetic results are back today and she actually has MODY 1 – I'm unsure if this is characteristically normal of a parent having diabetes or not, but as far as we know neither parent has diabetes.

  10. Christiana Ikpong

    Seeing a lot of reviews from Dr IGUDIA on YouTube for Diabetes disease cure not until I gave it a shot and that was the end of my Diabetes disease after using his herbal medicine

  11. Caroline pandian

    A very big appreciation to Dr. IGUDIA on YouTube for helping me get rid of my five years old type 2 Diabetes disease with his natural herbs medication. may God continue to bless your good work sir.

  12. afolabi isiaka

    I have never believed in any herbs products but all that changed after using Dr IGUDIA on YouTube natural herbs medication in curing my type 2 Diabetes disease and I’m very grateful.

  13. Anna maria

    Thank you very much for this video!! It's motivating to know not to be alone.

  14. Chaitanya Davuluri

    Hi Dr. Have a doubt that if gad is negative means is diabetes is not type 1. My daughter is 2.2 years old she recently diagnosed diabetes. Now a days her Suger level is really stressful almost good,some times low, some times high.
    Dr suggest me to mody and arc test

  15. Arti kumari

    Is it true that MODY diabetes not is being after 35 years of age

  16. kayandra paul

    I was just diagnosed with MODY, I am turning 18 soon and this video was really helpful to learn more about it. Thank you so much!

  17. idonteatpizza

    I love finding videos on MODY! I was diagnosed with MODY 2 about seven years ago! I was originally told I had type one diabetes in till I had genetic testing done. Out of all the types of MODY out there I’m glad I have the one with the less amount of problems.

  18. Ajith Kumar

    Mody is also an autoimmune disease like type 1&2? Cant be cured? Is there any special care we need to take? What is the best available medicine /treatment?

  19. Popsiczlz

    I have MODY, Thanks for helping me understand although I'm a Pre-Diabetic. I was diagnosed with MODY type 7

  20. Terézia Valkovičová

    Hi there. In your video, there are some mistakes. You are talking about one type of MODY. Insufficient glucokinase activity is typical only for MODY2 and not generally for all types of MODY diabetes. Anyway, detectable C-peptide is ussualy one of the clinical features of MODY patients, so no C-peptide in MODY is misleading information. Follow the official guidelines and you will get to relevant information 🙂

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