12 comentarios

  1. AJ M

    I’m curious about the buttocks placement. Is it an approved spot? Because I’d prefer that to the abdomen if possible!

  2. Blazer Stoner

    Just curious, looking at the angle I guess this is in the buttocks. Is that not very inconvenient when sitting in school all day or for example playing on a swing or slide? Or if she falls it’d destroy the sensor? Although that last part can happen in any place of course.

  3. Keagon_Riley

    Very good video,would you be able to do a day in the life of a t1d video and a what’s in my t1d bag video?

  4. matt

    I don't like putting a new sensor on so late at night, it is impossible to sleep a good night with how much you have to baby sit it on it's first day.

  5. Ralph Cortina

    What’s the name of the extra piece of tape you put on I need those.

  6. Matthew Tolles

    I don't know if it's true or not but from what I was taught by medtronic is that after injecting the sensor onto the body your supposed to count to 15-20 seconds before removing the big gray injector so the tape has enough time to stick. I'm pretty sure it states it in the book. Just saying because I have had a couple of issues with the sensor coming off due to me not waiting. Just thought I'd say something

  7. Melissa Stirling

    thank you!! great vid. hard to find a tutorial with both the insertion and connection instructions.

  8. Brian Munson

    So sorry that you daughter ( I assume ) has diabetes. She was however a great subject. Your instructions were precise and easy to understand. You walked me through my first "solo" change. Thank you for the video. You and your daughter really helped me.

  9. Jordan Bell

    Thanks for the video just got my CGM and am.still getting used to the sensor changes. If you mess up one of the tegaderms you gotta start all over so.i use it as reference!

  10. ylanda71

    Thank you for this video. I’ve been wearing my CGM for about six weeks but struggled with placement of the tape. Tape placement actually made me nervous at sensor change time. All the other videos I found blocked the view a bit for placement but your video was clear to see from all angles. Thanks to you, I believe I may finally have the hang of this. I need to look for the square page of tape. I work out a lot and always worry about sweat and moisture getting in. Thanks again!

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