Using SGLT2-inhibitors to treat cardiac patients with diabetes

At our 2018 symposium, «Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Patients with CVD: Focus on Heart Failure,» nephrologist and scientist Dr. David Cherney explores the use of SGLT2-inhibitors in cardiovascular and renal protection.
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Originally developed to treat diabetes, SGLT2 inhibitors are potentially groundbreaking in slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dr. Robert Kossmann, Executive Vice President, Global Head of Renal Therapies, and Chief Medical Officer of Fresenius Medical Care North America joins Field Notes to examine how this class of drug can be used to intervene earlier with patients and is a key tool within value-based care.
#CKD #dialysis

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11 comentarios

  1. Jax Mood

    Initially, I thought it was the end of the world for me, but I have found a solution for all illness #14daysnegative, My deepest gratitude goes
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  2. Ahmed Saber

    2:42 Good explanation ! So can patients with prediabetes and microalbuminuria take SGLT2i ?

  3. Emeka Ihunwo

    I really want to take this time out in thanking Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his natural herbs medication which I ordered from him few months ago and I can tell you that the natural herbs medication works perfectly fine in curing my type 2 Diabetes disease permanently.

  4. Adrien Monk

    Im sorru sir , but the is not a cotransporter Na /K /2Cl in the distal tubel lumen .
    you heve to corrcte that .

  5. adija

    thank God I was able to locate Dr adule on YouTube who was able to eliminate my type one diabetes totally with his herbal medicine.


    Statistical analysis of covid deaths in diabetics on sglt2 inhibitors will provide the answer

  7. Rohit Thakur

    Beautiful explaination. Continue the good work


    The drug is a killer in diabetic covid patients. This fact outweighs the benefits of the drug in view of the pandemic as I have lost my brother Simon because of sglt2 inhibitors

  9. Francine Keza

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